Time for Spring Cleaning Your Finances
By Chantay Bridges
Spring is a time for renewal, a time for out with the old, in with the new. So, while you’re cleaning out the closet and the garage, it’s a good time to give your finances a good spring cleaning, too.
Chantay Bridges, a real-estate agent in Los Angeles, and her spouse have always been diligent about their finances but a recent death in the family, and subsequent conversations about was there a will, what would happen to the kids, etc., made them expand their spring checklist this year. They suggest:
- Checking your credit scores
- Get your legal business in order (Wills, living trusts, LLC's, etc.)
- Make emergency plans. (Buying gold and silver, stocking up on emergency supplies and establishing emergency contacts)
- Check all of your policies to make sure they’re up-to-date (insurance policies, bank accounts, investments, wills, etc.)
- Make sure your beneficiaries are correct.
- Do a debt check — Is everything paid off or is there anything outstanding?
- Check interest rates on their credit cards and any outstanding loans.
- Check your 401(k)s and get financial advice on their distributions.
- Take stock of stocks — check in to see what’s performing, what they should sell and if there’s anything they can write-off due to low or limited dividends.
Spring time is the right time to get prepared for tomorrow.
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About the Author
 | Chantay Bridges, Clear Choice Realty & Associates Beverly Hills, CA 90212 323-627-7424
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