Tips to Keep You Safe on Your Motorcycle
By Greg Young
As warmer weather approaches, motorcycle enthusiasts will be dusting off their machines and taking to the great outdoors in presumably ritualistic fashion after yet another long and arduous Minnesota winter. There is nothing quite like maneuvering the open road, and while riding a motorcycle is an exhilarating experience, unfortunately motorcycles do not forgive mistakes. Here are several important tips to remember before your next ride:
• Gear up. Make sure you and your passengers wear protective gear. A helmet, eye protection, a sturdy jacket, long pants, boots, and gloves are your safest options.
• Stand out. Wear brightly covered clothing to help make other drivers aware of you. While driving, use your headlight and avoid other vehicles’ blind spots.
• Position yourself. Use the left wheel track of a 4-wheeled vehicle as your main lane position. When coming to a stop, however, move to the right so you are more conspicuous and have extra space to exit if you need it.
• Ride defensively. Most accidents occur because the driver of the car didn’t see the motorcycle. It pays to scan your surroundings, note what’s around you, and be prepared to react.
• Be sharp. Ride only when your senses are sharp. 45% of fatal motorcycle accidents involve alcohol. Be sure to get enough rest on long trips.
• Practice. Find a safe place or a low traffic area to practice. Just like any other activity, improving your skills or shaking the rust off after a long winter without riding can make you a better – and safer – rider.
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About the Author
 | Greg Young, Insurance Advisors - Greg Young Insurance Agency 13433 Fenway Blvd Cir N, Suite 140 Hugo, MN 55038 651-705-8891
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