Top 5 Ways to Save Time
By Phillinda Roy
Here are the Top 5 Ways to Save Time. Whether you are a mom or a professional, this list will help you utilize your time more wisely.
1. Go to the Grocery store when it first opens, even on the weekends. Hardly anyone is there at 8:00. A few bonuses are better service, you won’t have to fight peak-hour crowds and check-out lines will be non-existent.
2. Use Lists “Write it Down”– You may have a good memory but you can’t always be a superhero and remember it all. Using lists and you will be sure to get it all done.
3. Do advance work–If you are having a party or friends over, don’t wait until the last minute to get things ready for your guests. Do some tasks at least 3 to 5 days in advance. If you are preparing food, pick recipes that can be executed 1-3 days prior to the gathering.
4. Call Service Businesses on Wednesday, Thursday or Fridays. Call before 10 am and after 2pm but before 5pm. Mondays and Tuesdays are their busiest days. 10-2 are their busiest hours.
5. When you are on Hold, you can make the most of your time by:
* Cleaning out your purse or wallet.
* Organize a drawer.
* Clean your glasses.
* Dust around the house.
* Organize your purse or wallet.
There are many other things you can do to save time, I just wanted to list a few. If you would like more email me on the contact page. I’m going to start posting once or twice a week so keep checking.
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About the Author
 | Phillinda Roy, My Assistant Austin 7900 San Felipe Blvd. Austin, TX 78729 512-903-9022
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