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True to the Game Of Networking

Before one can understand how business networking works, one must be true to the self. Networking only works for:

The business owner that is a natural at being social and has that outgoing personality to get out and meet people.

If you are not willing to share a meal from breakfast to dinner then you won't feel comfortable in a people surrounding type business. I have started networking over 25 years ago and have a network of over 9,000 people to associate myself with in every state.

The business owner that is not afraid to talk to people in any kind of setting, from speaking engagements to face to face.

Business networking takes time because since it is a people type of business, the most common mistake is that business owners rushes into a networking meeting or group and expects business leads to just start rolling in......when this is far from the truth! If the business owner is not willing to get to know people on both the personal and business level and build the relationship it will never work in the long run of things.

The business owner who chooses the right networking group.

Another mistake is owners make is joining big networking group when starting off with small groups which are more personable and manageable. Big networking groups are too costly and it does not give your business the attention it really needs. For an example if you specialize in selling car widgets and attend a big networking meeting and there are 50 other businesses doing the same as your business what are the chances that you will ever be the bell of the grand ball? The answer is never because your field of services will be looked upon as an outcast. So join all the small networking groups where your business can not only be the star but make your the best profession in your specialty field.

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About the Author

Linda Evans, A Touch Of Reality
2120 Magnolia St
Rockford, IL 61104

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