Trusted Real Estate Professional or Order Taker !
By Roger Jenisch
2011 is almost over, you have made many resolutions both personal and professionally by now… how’s it going ?
What you really need is just one, one global goal that if worked on each and every day the rest will fall right in-line. Your options are an Order Taker or a Trusted Real Estate Professional….
Sure you got in the business a few years ago and there was more buyers than sellers, list a house on Friday have five offers by Sunday. You showed a couple houses and said “Like any just a little, better make an offer before its gone” You took the order ! And getting the deal to the closing table was as easy 123 and ABC. The bankers fighting the mortgage brokers for business and as long as you took a breath and had some type of job you qualified for a loan on a home that was way over valued which you couldn’t afford… But that was the times and many made boatloads of money by just taking the order.
Well times they did a change! Lost jobs, pay cuts, furlough days, and a scared consumer sent our industry to a screeching halt. Values plunged; bankers and mortgage guys couldn’t even be found at the free lunch buffet. Many homeowners’ found themselves in positions of negative equity and having the inabilities to continue to pay their mortgages. Your ready to take an order but there just isn’t anyone ordering.
It’s now 2011 and you have awoken to a new year of hopes and dreams for a return to the days when you passed out a few cards, showed a couple houses and took an order. You shake off the party streamers and the stale taste of champaign and realize those days are gone forever. Will you sit around and complain about the economy and the housing market. Will you continue to blame everyone around you for your tough times? That damn banker all he wants is a free lunch, media outlets spreading doom and gloom and that customer I showed her three houses, what is her problem. And a course let us not forget our favorite piñata them jerky politicians!
Or will you do what needs to be done ? Will you present yourself as a professional, dressed appropriately, educated in market conditions, have an understanding of the contract or agreement your completing, stick to conducting business in an ethical manner, surround yourself with a professional team to better serve your clients, participate in local non-for-profit organizations, get involved in your local realtors association and be a source of truthful information for the consumer, elected officials, media , your fellow associates, and the general public.
Will you commit to sharpening your skills and presentation and take the steps to be a “Trusted Real Estate Professional” will you hear a thank you from your clients as you leave the closing or will you be saying “What does your little brat want to drink with his happy meal” You make the choice for me I will be doing everything I can to be the local Trusted Real Estate Professional !
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About the Author
 | Roger Jenisch, Team Jenisch Enterprises Inc / Advance Realty Team Jenisch 428 South West Street Wheaton, IL 60187 630-936-4030 Extension 20
Contact Author: request info
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