Unclutter your Wallet
By Heidi DeCoux
Is there stuff overflowing from your wallet? Are you always frustrated because there are receipts, cards, or personal notes crowding the important things and you can’t find what you need? You are about to find out how to easily get your wallet organized and keep it organized forever. You’ll determine what SHOULD be in your wallet and what should NOT be in your wallet, how to be ready in case of emergency, and how you can protect yourself in the event that your wallet is lost or stolen.
Items that you SHOULD keep in your wallet:
• Gift Cards – These should be treated like cash and should be kept with your cash. Up to 30% of gift cards are never redeemed because they are lost.
• Credit Cards – Only the credit cards you frequently use should be kept with you. If there are cards that you no longer use, they should be kept in an envelope in your safe deposit box or they should be shredded.
• Driver's License or ID
• Emergency Contact Card – Type the names and numbers of two different people you would like to be contacted in the event of an emergency on a business card size piece of paper. Laminate it and keep it behind your Drivers’ License or ID. If an accident were to happen, the police and/or hospital would know whom to contact.
• Medical Insurance Card – Although having this with you is not completely necessary, it can be helpful in the event of an emergency.
• Auto Insurance Card – It can be helpful to keep a copy of your insurance card in your wallet if you own and operate a vehicle. Typically, insurance companies will send you an extra one. If your car is stolen or if you are in an accident and can’t get at the one in the glove box, this would be helpful.
TIP: You should photocopy everything in your wallet. Keep copies of the front and back of all your credit cards. Copies should be kept in your safe deposit box. You will, then, know exactly what you lost and whom you need to call if your wallet is lost or stolen.
Items that you should NOT keep in your wallet:
• Business Cards – A couple of your own business cards could be kept in your wallet. However, as you accumulate business cards from other people, either place them in a file or enter them into your address book and toss them.
• Receipts – Place your receipts into a simple and efficient filing system as soon as you get home from shopping. My Fast-Filing Method program explains how to set up a super fast self-cleansing filing system.
• Misc Notes & Papers – Rather than writing on napkins and misc. scraps of paper and shoving them into your wallet, use a more effective system for organizing your information.
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About the Author
 | Heidi DeCoux, Clear Simple Living, LLC Minneapolis, MN 55419 612-821-1426
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