Weaponry Wherabouts
By Jeffrey M. Nocera
Having a home burglarized is a traumatizing experience for most, however, for gun or other weapons owners, the stress is compounded by knowing your potentially deadly weapon may be in the wrong hands. In the US, over 600,000 legally-owned guns are stolen from homes every year, with the highest amount in the states of California, Texas, North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia. In 2009, the city of Mobile, AL, averaged one gun stolen from a homeowner every day.
What can you do if thieves steal your hunting rifle or handgun? Plenty. After alerting police of the theft and missing weapon, contact local-area pawn shops (Rick Harrison is too far from PA) and gun dealers, giving description and serial number of your stolen gun. A photo from a completed inventory would also benefit both yourself and any business dealing with buying and selling weapons. Next, post messages in online message boards, detailing the lost item and serial number. Also note that such number may have been scratched or filed off.
Consider the circumstances of the burglary, too. Most random thieves lack knowledge of a target’s ownership of a gun (much less, where it might be), so think about those you know whom are aware of a gun’s presence in your home. Then start making phone calls, advising of the theft. Someone may have mentioned your hunting hobby or being a weapons enthusiast to someone else, who then had an idea to take what’s yours.
As for preventive measures, gun owners can register their guns with Firearmsfax (www.firearmsfax.com), for an annual fee of $9.95, storing gun make, model, serial number, and other pertinent information. If stolen, Firearmsfax will alert gun and pawn shop owners within a 50-mile radius of your stolen item. Recovery of your gun is greatly helped by registration as well.
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About the Author
 | Jeffrey M. Nocera, ProHome Asset 3820 Carter Road Bethlehem, PA 18020 610-317-0968
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