What Are The Top 10 Ways Of Making Money Online?
By Nelson Tan
Not strategies or techniques, but business models in a more general sense.
To give you an idea:
1. Affiliate type website. 2. Content website with Adsense. 3. Affiliate type + Adsense. 4. Your own product - membership site. 5. Your own product - ebook. 6. JV deals. 7. Your own product - software. 8. Directory type site. 9. Online newsletter. 10. Promote affiliate products using AdWords. Bonus. Sell on Ebay + your own site.
The very top way is to create your own business and market it well. Find out what you are good at, see if there is a niche, and start your business in that niche. Run it like a professional business with profit/loss evaluation, business plan, goals, etc. You can make a lot of money doing this, but most people won't take the time and effort to make it happen. Question is: Will you be the one to do it?
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About the Author
 | Nelson Tan, Internet Mastery Center Blk 539, Serangoon North Ave. 4, #03-37 Nerstrand, MN 55053 65-90271300
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