What To Consider When Downsizing
By Adele Mahan
Many seniors feel ashamed and overwhelmed by the accumulation of so much clutter. If you feel this way you are not alone. According to an article in AARP most seniors have lived in their homes for more than 30 years resulting in years of “stuff.” Give yourself time and the mind set to enjoy the process. This is not about removing all the things you love but quite the opposite. Pay attention to your heart and only remove those things that are not important. This is a great time to tell your story and document your memories, leaving a legacy. Consider asking for help when reaching those high places, climbing attics and lifting heavy objects. Try to think outside the box on ways to re-purpose your furniture for a smaller space…have fun!
The most common question asked by downsizing enthusiast is “what to do with all my stuff?” Look for a charity that is dear to your heart. It is easier to give away if you know someone that is in need. Selling through eBay or Craigslist works well if you have them pick up after the move. Consignment Stores are another great source and most can even pick up.
The task of downsizing can be physically and emotionally challenging like planting a perennial garden after all the work is done you get to enjoy year after year without the work!
Downsizing Tips: - Schedule time on your calendar - Stage areas to sort (charity, sell, family) - Only handle item once - Need help getting started? Contact a professional.
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About the Author
 | Adele Mahan, Fresh Start Transitions, LLC 3241 Tatting Road Matthews, NC 28105 7043071112
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