What does 5% Page Coverage Look like?
By Sue Bye
When you purchase a Toner Cartridge for any of your printers you will see that printed on the box 'Page Yield X,XXX based on 5% coverage'. But how much is 5% coverage and what does it look like? Below you will see two solid lines what is between those two lines is what 5% coverage looks like. This means that if you just put in a new toner cartridge, and copied what is between those two lines into a document you should be able to print that page the same number of times as the number of pages listed on the box. (If you are using an Ink cartridge you are going to find out that is not very many pages for what you paid).
If you want to figue out how much it is costing per page to print, take the cost of the toner cartridge and multiply it by the page yield number. This will give you the cost per page at 5% coverage. You need to relize that the cost goes higher if you are printing pages higher than the 5% coverage.
If you are looking to cut your cost per page, contact Five Point Data Systems we can help you decide which printer will give you the best price, the highest page yield at the lowest cost.
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About the Author
 | Sue Bye, Five Point Data Systems 106 North 7th Street Perkasie, PA 18944 215-453-6640 / 800-360-3282
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