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Yes, of course, the sentence in the title of this article does not make sense. It also doesn't make sense for a small business owner or online business owner to sit at his desk for hours at a time running his business instead of being in front of clients or prospects.

Networking can be an effective source for building a business. However, attending networking meetings may not be effective if you are not prepared. Make sure that the networking event is attended by persons that you need to know for your business growth. What is your niche market? It also does not make sense to attend a networking meeting that has a significant drive time or does not get results after reasonable effort.

Make sure you are prepared with an explanation of what you do. Often called an elevator speech it must sound sincere and not canned. Go to meetings with a smile and be prepared to listen to others. Bring a notebook and use it to write information that perks your interest for follow up.

Get business cards from persons in attendance. Even if you don't think you could use that person's service now, you might be able to refer someone to them or you may need them in the future.

Your business card should be crisp and fresh. It should also convey a bit of information about what you do. If your company name is Smith & Associates or LMK Ltd or Perfect Messages be sure to have a tag line that states that you are a CPA, an Attorney or an Architect or a phone answering service.

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About the Author

Marsha Kopan, Executive Secretarial Services
1505 S 58 St
Milwaukee, WI 53214

If you would like to re-print this article, please contact the author.
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