When Installing New Cabling...Trust a Cabling Professional
By Stan Prishchepenko
When installing new cabling, that biggest issues we see are when an electrician, who has no idea about network and phone considerations, does the cabling design and decides where cables should go in your office for the next 3 to 15 years. Let electricians design the electric layout, however, trust your cabling needs to a cabling professionals.
New office cabling planning is a core task impacting all of your network and server functionality and speed as long as you are in this office space. Run the wrong type of cabling, in the wrong quantity, to the wrong locations or desks, and you may be paying the price as long as you are in your new office space.
Get a free cabling assessment from a trusted cabling professionals. They will review your office floor plan and network map with you and discuss various planning considerations that you may have missed or underestimated.
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About the Author
 | Stan Prishchepenko, Telecommunication Distribution LLC Philadelphia, PA 19116 215-689-3481
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