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Who Can be an Expert Witness?

Today’s society has become specialized in every aspect of our lives. There are specialists that consult us in the management of our money, the landscaping of our houses, and in most of our other personal affairs. We have personal bankers, personal trainers, a lawyer on retainer, an accountant, etc. Nearly everyone is an expert at something, but we rarely think of that experience as being valuable to anyone other than our current employer.

In reality, our expertise is not only valuable to us personally, it also has value to our communities, and society in general, if we share that expertise by participating in legal matters as an expert witness. As a broker of expert relationships, every day I am surprised by the variety of requests for people with expertise in areas I had never considered. We have had requests for individuals with experience or expertise in foreign culture, business, entertainment, health management, insurance, engineering, construction, jewelry, pole climbing, and many other areas. The difficult or frightening aspect of being an expert is figuring out the legal or civil requirements. The second problem is “being found” by the attorney who needs your expertise for a case involving that subject matter.

If you are interested in acting as an expert, there are companies that can help you get started. If you are a seasoned expert, they can provided more than a list of names to attorneys.

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About the Author

Jill Roundy, iFindExpert
Las Vegas, NV 89130

Contact Author: request info

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