Why Your Business Needs A Mobile App!
By Terrell Jackson
It's not enough to get an app developed, get your customers to download it, and then let it sit on their phones untouched. What a complete waste of your time and theirs.
Yet, that's what I see a lot of companies doing--as if the mere act of having an app is enough to take care of all your mobile marketing.
It isn't. But what you can do with your app doesn't need to be overwhelming. There are myriad ways to put them to work promoting and marketing your businesses.
Here are a few quick ideas:
-Build customer loyalty: Everyone likes to feel included in something special, so make customers feel like VIPs by offering discounts, coupons, and promotions just for using the app.
Create viral buzz. Encourage customers to use the mobile app to quickly tell all of their friends about the business using the built-in sharing capabilities of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, your blog, SMS, and Email.
Grow customer lists. A mobile app can gather names and email addresses from directly within the app and easily export them into the top email marketing campaign services to be used in additional emails.
Get instant feedback. Mobile apps allow customers to leave feedback on fan walls, share photos, make restaurant reservations, and send comments in a variety of ways.
Now, when your business is contemplating, "Why should we have a mobile app?", you'll have the answer right there for them.
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About the Author
 | Terrell Jackson, Heaven's Marketing Agency Glen Burnie, MD 21061 410.903.0896
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