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Working the Room

The art of working the room is a skill worth developing. Some networkers shy away from open networking events simply because they don't know where to start or how to successfully work a room while other networkers over work the room.

For the best results it's working smart not hard to plan ahead. Why is it important to plan ahead? In a typical networkers week they will make several contacts, a good networker will ask who their new contacts need to meet. In order to position yourself as an asset or a hub for your new contacts it's important to keep notes of who they need to do business with in order to build their business. It's also important to keep a list of who you need to complete your networking circle.

When you attend an after hours or open networking event start by introducing yourself with the host. An experienced host will ask you who you need to meet and since you'll have your list noted in your mind (or a piece of paper in your pocket) you'll be equipped to meet the right contacts to expand your warm market.

It's not how many business cards you circulate in a room as much as how many quality contacts you make. Speaking of business cards it's important to make notes of the back of the cards so that you have good follow up info. Another tip is to keep the cards of people you want follow up with immediately in a separate pocket from the rest of the cards you may collect.

One last tip is regarding how to find networking opportunities. Visit online resources such as (360[your city].com) and Also, be sure to check your local newspaper and trade magazines they, are still a viable resource.

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About the Author

Katie Akers, Go Small
3082 Hawksmore Dr
Orange Park, FL 32065

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