Writing a Book Can Benefit Your Business
By Connie Anderson
Do you have a strong passion for what you do? When you talk about your business and tell stories or case studies, do people say: “You should write a book?”
The most interesting aspect of writing “a book” is that people perceive you differently.
Now you are an author, an expert (albeit self-proclaimed). Your status has risen. When someone writes a book, it gives the author perceived competence, especially if it has good content, and looks and reads great.
Today we have options that include the traditional print book, and electronic readers like Kindle and Nook. These books need to be written and formatted the same; just the presentation is different. Business book readers want a clear message in an informative book that can be read quickly.
What could you do with a book? Use it as:
- a traditional book for sale in book stores and online
- a sales tool to promote your knowledge and expertise
- a give-away to gain contacts/names
- back-of-the-room sales item when you speak.
Have I piqued your interest yet?
How about the large financial services firm with a niche market that is writing a book to show how well they understand its specific needs.
Books come in all shapes and sizes. A health coach created a 32-page 5”x7” book(let) with a striking four-color cover, professional editing and layout. This was his new calling card. It was his words, his passion—and his way of standing out in the crowd. A few weeks after it was printed, he called, “My first sale already paid for the book!”
Once you see the possibilities for you and your company, you need to understand the economics of book publishing. We know you are going to publish this yourself if it is going to be a marketing piece, so let’s start with the different steps. The total costs will be determined by number of words/pages. This is where the economics of publishing a book come in.
If the book will be made available to the public, many more steps are needed.
Words/Content – you can write the content yourself because no one knows it better—or hire a ghostwriter. I can help you figure out how to get that “intellectual property” out of your head and onto paper.
Editing – Even if you have good people on staff (let them give input), you need to hire an outside professional editor. Her insights will make the book better, and her knowledge of grammar and punctuation, word usage, etc. will make you look very smart!
Proofreading – Proofreading should be done by both people in your company who know your business, and a different editor/proofreader.
Cover design – Hire someone who does book covers, even if you just want words. He will design the front and back cover as required by a book printer. Remember, the cover is your first impression.
Inside formatting – Hire a professional book designer to create a topnotch layout. The best of words can be received negatively if the inside design looks amateurish.
Printing – Use only printers who have printed other books; not all of them do that. In small quantities (under 800 books) digital printing is the answer. You can order in small quantities (publish/print on demand) as needed after initial run.
I will be happy to answer your questions. To see what other author clients have said, go to www.WordsandDeedsInc.com and read testimonials for variety of genres—including memoir, self-help, business, fiction.
NOW, get writing!
Need some help? We can match you to a company in your local area.
About the Author
 | Connie Anderson, Words & Deeds, Inc. Minneapolis, MN 55437 952-835-4731
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