
Does a bathroom fan have to vent outside?

Top Answer: Yes, always (73% of 41 votes).
Does a bathroom fan have to vent outside?
Yes, always
In most cases
In some cases
Not sure

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Updated on December 29, 2015


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: if not those oders would just come back into the house
thorns construction services llc
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Yes because otherwise you are just moving the moisture to somewhere else in your house.
Construct Boss
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: It needs to go somewhere outside
Misija construction
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: All that moisture end up in the attic otherwise.
G&J Carpentery Services
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: A fan must exhaust out of the home. It is there to take the moisture out. Blowing into an attic can cause mold.
Ward Kitchen & Bath
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Check your local code, it is required in my area.
Eric Dahl, Building Design & Drafting
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: It is recommended to vent to outside rather than keep the bad air in.
Kitchen Remodeling Chicago
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: take moisture out of the house
Modern Creations Construction