
How long should a bathroom fan run after I finish showering?

Top Answer: 5-10 minutes (22% of 35 votes).
How long should a bathroom fan run after I finish showering?
Less than 5 minutes
5-10 minutes
10-15 minutes
15-20 minutes
20-25 minutes
At least 30 minutes
Not sure

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Updated on December 29, 2015


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: 20-25 minutes
Explanation: Atleast 20 minutes is the most common suggestion
Construct Boss
Answer: 10-15 minutes
Explanation: Best to suck out the moisture in the room.
Misija construction
Answer: 20-25 minutes
Explanation: The Home Ventilating Institute recommends that a fan should be left on for 20 minutes more to clear humidity adequately and to ensure moisture and condensation in the fan body or ducting is minimized.
iDesign Interiors, LLC
Answer: 5-10 minutes
Explanation: Run the fan until all of the moisture is out.
Ward Kitchen & Bath
Answer: 15-20 minutes
Explanation: An appropriately sized bathroom fan will take 15-20 min to remove all the moisture.
Relux Construction LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Only while you are still in the room, only longer if you whish.
Eric Dahl, Building Design & Drafting
Answer: 5-10 minutes
Explanation: That is all that is needed.
Kitchen Remodeling Chicago
Answer: 20-25 minutes
Explanation: depends of the size of fan and bathroom
JJS Home Improvements LLC