
Is it possible to put my bathroom fan on a timer?

Top Answer: Yes, always (37% of 37 votes).
Is it possible to put my bathroom fan on a timer?
Yes, always
In most cases
In some cases
Not sure

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Updated on December 29, 2015


Comments From Our Pros

Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: This can be done by using a timer switch.
Construct Boss
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: I used to see timers often.
Misija construction
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: At the owner's request and should be on a vacancy sensor not a timer.
iDesign Interiors, LLC
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Excellent idea. You can finish the shower and leave the bathroom and the bathroom fan will remove all the moisture.
Relux Construction LLC
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: Just at the owner's request and should be on a vacancy sensor not a timer.
Eric Dahl, Building Design & Drafting
Answer: Yes, always
Explanation: yes
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: its your preference I like to be steamed in my bathroom
Modern Creations Construction