How Much Do Carpet Cleaning Leads Cost?

The cost of each carpet cleaning leads will depend on a number of factors, including your geographic location and the demand for the lead. In most cases, carpet cleaning leads range in price from $10 to $40.

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Updated: 06/19/2019

Carpet cleaning lead pricing may depend on the:

1. Type of service requested. Is this a commercial job or a residential job? How many square feet of carpet needs to be cleaned? One room or 10 rooms? Does the furniture need to be relocated?

2. Your location. Demand for leads may be higher in certain metropolitan areas. High demand often leads to higher prices.

3. How many times the lead is sold. Exclusive leads are only sold to one carpet cleaning company. These leads are the most expensive. Leads that are sold to more than one company are typically more affordable.

4. Lead seller's reputation. How long has the lead generation service been in business? Will they provide a refund for bad leads? Are the leads validated over the phone?

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5. Lead delivery. Will you be receiving a live call from an interested customer? Will the lead generation service send you the name and phone number of a potential client in a text message or email?

Find Carpet Cleaning Leads

HomeAdvisor is the nation's largest lead provider for home services and contractors. Over 30 million homeowners have trusted HomeAdvisor. Register and start finding new customers.
Networx (Signup for Free!)
Networx helps you find customers in your local area. Get quality leads and grow your home improvement business today!
CraftJack (Signup for Free!)
CraftJack generates leads for contractors and other home services. Ask about their "3 free leads" offer! Sign up today to start generating job leads.
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