Able Chiropractic
2855 N. 19th Ave -
Sports and family chiropractic in beautiful Bozeman, MT. We offer Chiropractic care, massage therapy, and colonic hydrotherapy. Most affordable Chiropractor in town, excellent with auto accidents and children's Chiropractic.
Rick Bittner
- 406-548-8822
Services Chiropractors - Chiropractic Pediatrics Chiropractors - General Therapy Chiropractors - Massage Therapy
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Questions & Answers
What advice would you give to a customer looking to hire a company like yours?
Do you get headaches every day? Migraines? Come get adjusted and find some relief! We offer excellent Chiropractor care for people and children of all ages, with any injuries and for general health maintenance. We also offer massage therapy and colonic hydrotherapy.
How We Charge For Our Services
Chiropractors - Chiropractic Pediatrics
- $10.00 to $47.00 for wellness consultation (per visit) We charge $47 for a child's first visit, and then $10 every other visit for all children under 12 years old.
Chiropractors - General Therapy
- $47.00 for general therapy (per visit) - $47.00 for initial examination (typically one hour) A basic visit, including an exam and any adjustment you require, Stim and heat treatment beforehand, all for $47. We offer package deals and membership plans to help keep Chiropractic care affordable.
Chiropractors - Massage Therapy
- $79.00 to $109.00 for massage therapy (per visit) 60 minute massage costs $79
90 minute massage costs $109