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A greener life  

17831 w. Caribbean lane - Surprise, AZ 85388
We provide septic maintenance which includes pumping, cleaning, locating, line jetting and video line inspections. We pump all nonhazardous liquid waste and properly dispose of it in order to help make our environment clean and green for centuries to come.

Vanessa Spoo - 602-738-7867  


Septic Tank - Pumping or Cleaning

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How We Charge For Our Services
Septic Tank - Pumping or Cleaning
- $220.00 to $280.00 fixed fee for 1,000 gallon tank
- $0.22 to $0.28 per gallon
- $440.00 to $500.00 fixed fee for 2,000 gallon tank
- $330.00 to $390.00 fixed fee for 1,500 gallon tank
Based on average market filters and type of job, urgency etc

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by A greener life. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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