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817 South Park Avenue - Herrin, IL 62948
Architechniques, Ltd. is a premier architectural firm serving the southern Illinois region, with special experience in the design of Healthcare Facilities. In addition to our extensive healthcare experience, we provide architectural services to a wide variety of clientele including governmental organizations, schools, churches, commercial developers, industrial clients, and prvate businesses. Architechniques, Ltd. is committed to providing the highest quality of customer service in the architec

Steven Sims - 618-942-6918  


Architects - Commercial
Architectural Support Services
Designer - Building
Designers - Drafters - CAD Drafting
Interior Designers - Commercial

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How We Charge For Our Services
Architects - Commercial
- 5.50 to 9.50 percent of construction cost
We provide services based on a percentage of the clients realistic budget amount for construction. This is based on the total budget the client has budgeted for construction, including any alternate bids, at the time we help him put the project out for bid. This is different than basing it on construction costs.

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Architechniques. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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