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Beautiful Disasters  

1229 s maple ave - Bartlesville, OK 74003
Residential and commercial cleaning

Laura Goines - 918-397-6988  


Cleaning Services - Medical & Health Care
Cleaning Services - Office & Commercial
Cleaning, Janitorial, and Industrial Supplies
Estate Cleaning
Janitorial Services
and more...


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(e.g. accountant, auto repair, lawn service, marketing consultant)
Questions & Answers
Q: What advice would you give to a customer looking to hire a company like yours?
A: Ask questions, let them come out and give you a price that way they don't over charge you.

Q: What is the most common type of project or service your company provides?
A: Residential cleaning

Q: In what ways is your company environmentally friendly?
A: We wear masks if requested, we have eco-friendly cleaning products if requested.

Q: What would you like your customers to know about your company?
A: We have 10 plus years experience. I recently decided to branch out on my own. We aren't a huge company but we are hard working, experienced, dedicated and passionate about our work. We also are not only out to get customers but to make life long friends!

Q: What is your company best known for?
A: We are best known for our passion, and hard work, and customer satisfaction.

Q: What separates your company from the competition?
A: We offer 24/7 around the clock service hours to meet every customers needs. We have a range of different services from property preservation all the way to organization. There is not much we don't offer our customers.

Q: Does your company offer a warranty or guarantee?
A: Yes a satisfaction guaranteed!

Q: What questions do customers most frequently ask you? What is your answer?
A: How we work with only two employees? Well I want to get to know each and every customer, and make sure the job is done right, so my husband and I are the ones that do every job.

Q: Does your company offer discounts to senior citizens or veterans?
A: Yes we do 15% discount

Q: Is your company a member of any associations?
A: No

Q: Tell us a little about your company.
A: We are family owned and operated. We love what we do and the customers we do it for. There is not much our company cannot and will not do.

Q: Has your company received any awards?
A: No

Q: What forms of payment do you accept? (cash, check, credit cards, etc.)
A: Cash, cash app, Venmo, Facebook pay, or check

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Beautiful Disasters. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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