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Berg Landscape Architects, Inc.  

380 East Main Street, Suite 204 - Midway, UT 84049
Berg Landscape Architects, Inc. is a Utah based landscape architecture design and planning firm located in Utah's beautiful Heber Valley. Our design services range from residential properties and parks to institutional facilities and community planning. Our clients include home owners, architects, engineers, municipalities, and real estate developers. Berg Landscape Architects, Inc. provides complete Utah landscape architectural services from site planning through construction administration.

Carl Berg - 801-723-2000  


Landscape Architects - Commercial
Landscape Architects - Residential
Landscape Designers - Commercial
Landscape Designers - Residential

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How We Charge For Our Services
Landscape Architects - Commercial
- $115.00 per hour (plus material cost)
We bill at $115 per hour for commercial projects.

Landscape Architects - Residential
- $115.00 per hour
- $900.00 flat rate for basic planting plan
We bill $115 per hour but usually provide a lump sump fee.

Landscape Designers - Commercial
- $115.00 per hour
We bill $115 per hour but usually provide a lump sump fee.

Landscape Designers - Residential
- $115.00 per hour
We bill $115 per hour but usually provide a lump sump fee.

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Berg Landscape Architects, Inc.. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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