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Prime My Body  

3136 Holden St. - Elgin, IL 60124
We offer hemp based products, featuring the world's most bioavailable hemp oil with CannaBiDiol, and many other cannabinoids to replenish the body's system that maintains balance, total body healing and total health. We offer a Liver Detox, a Hemp Protein powder and a face cream infused with the golden hemp oil. Prime My Body also offers the ability to distribute and sell the oil individually, providing great potential for health and wealth.

Carole Lyon - 8479108033  

Independent Founding Affiliate - Emerald Rank

Health & Wellness - Consultants

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Questions & Answers
Q: What advice would you give to a customer looking to hire a company like yours?
A: Our hemp oil is providing thousands an avenue for superior health and wellness along with an opportunity to create unlimited wealth, if they so choose. I would suggest one tries the hemp oil, researches the science behind the product, takes a look at the company and contact me to experience the personality and character behind the growth of this company.

Q: What is the most common type of project or service your company provides?
A: Health, wellness both physically and emotionally and wealth opportunity. One may manage and grow a business from home with flexible hours, minimal inventory, social media and direct marketing. Events are encouraged but not required to grow a thriving business!

Q: In what ways is your company environmentally friendly?
A: Our hemp oil derived from hemp that is grown organically and sourced in Colorado. All our products are of the finest grade, gluten free, adheres to good manufacturing practices and is sensitive to the environment.

Q: What would you like your customers to know about your company?
A: From the top management, Prime My Body is driven by character and quality first and foremost. Our CEO Paul Rogers has an impressive resume of building businesses in and out of network marketing and taking them public. Prime My Body sources the very best products to promote the very best health. In 2 short years, we are trending toward a $60 Million annual revenue. We are fast moving globally, with expansion into Japan this year followed by Mexico and Canada, and Europe into 2019. We are holding an initial offering on our own crypto currency in October, providing a more fluid currency forum internationally and a potentially excellent investment for affiliates. We are on the leading edge of the Green Wave of natural, non psychotrophic hemp oil, legal in all 50 states, and part of an estimated $20 Billion industry by 2020. Timing is a gift. Positioning is a choice. Now is the time to invest in health and personal success!

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Prime My Body. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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