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Northwestern Mutual  

2321 Whitney Avenue Suite 402 - Hamden, CT 06518
What I do is help people design both offensive and defensive strategies in order to achieve financial security for both themselves and their families. The work I do with my clients primarily falls into three different categories.

- The first area is risk management, where we protect your assets and ability to earn an income (through products such as life, disability, and long term care insurance).
-With the risk management foundation in place, I can then help my clients accumulate wealth fo

Christopher Tremblay - (203) 605-2677  

Financial Advising/Planning Services

401-k Rollover Assistance
401k Plans
Business 401K & SEP Plans
Disability Planner
Education Planning & 529 Plans
and more...

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* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Northwestern Mutual. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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