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World Business Lenders  

183 Garibaldi Avenue - Lodi, NJ 07644
Private finance company specializing in providing working capital programs to business owners. Can get an owner funded in 3-5 business days with as little or as much cash as they need to spend however they please

Deandre Powell - 9732233041  

Internal Sales Lead

Business Brokerage & Consulting
Loans & Lending - Commercial

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Venture Cash Advance offers alternative financing solutions, giving merchants access to capital, based on their credit/debit card sales. Money is advanced upfront to a merchant and the advance is repaid by taking out a small % of the daily credit/debit card sales until the advance is paid off.
How We Charge For Our Services
Business Brokerage & Consulting
- 10.00 to 25.00 percent
The average Factor rate percentage is 10-25% of the entire advance remembering we can go higher or lower because this is based soley off the strength of your business so if you gross top notch and your credit score is excellent we would obviously lower the percentage because your strength of business is excellent. but we are a company who pride ourselves on being able to get you the money you need. if there is a way we will find it and get you multiple offers for multiple programs we understand the world isn't black and white. stuff happens months are negative sometimes seasons are hard some years worse than others we look at the big picture and find a way to get you your money

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by World Business Lenders. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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