Eastern Canyon Dental
8605 S Eastern Avenue -
Las Vegas,
When you enter Eastern Canyon dental, you will enter a relaxed atmosphere filled with the highest advances in state of the art modern technology. Services include: Oral hygiene instructions and diagnosis, Intraoral/extraoral cancer screenings, Medical and dental history review, Laser gum treatments, Periodontal deep cleanings, Ultrasonic/piezo electric high tech scaling, Prophylaxis/pit & fissure sealants, fillings, dental implants, dentures, whitening, veneers, and invisalign.
Joely Rammos
- 702-699-9876
Community Liaison
Services Cosmetic Dentists (Bonding, Whitening, Veneers) Dental Hygienists & Technicians Dentists Endodontics Dentists (Root Canals) Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons and more...