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G & H Electrical Services, LLC  

16478 US 98 - Foley, AL 36535
G & H Electrical Services is a trusted provider for installations, lighting and electrical repairs serving the Baldwin County, AL area. Fully licensed and insured, our team of master and journeyman electricians provide expert service with professionalism and integrity. We are locally-owned with over 15 years combined experience. Offering electrical services for residential, commercial, as well as new build homes. Our team specializes in generator installation, boat lift wiring and dock lighting.

Jeff Hubbard - 334-431-0821  

Owner & Operator

Electrical Contractors - Commercial
Electrical Contractors - Residential
Electrical for Remodel or Addition - Install
Electrical Wiring or Panel - Upgrade
Generator - Install
and more...

AL# 089465

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How We Charge For Our Services
Electrical Contractors - Residential
- $125.00 to $165.00 per hour (plus parts and materials)
We charge a flat rate price for all jobs we evaluate. Service/repair work is the only service we charge hourly

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by G & H Electrical Services, LLC. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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