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Heart Beat Interior Painting  

204 Centre St. - Buchanan, NY 10511
Professional Painting Company available for large or small jobs. Residential or Commercial. Super flexible scheduling. Days, nights weekdays or weekends. We work around your schedule AND we are the Affordable Choice! Call for a free site review and quote today!

Thomas Wessells - 914-582-3920  


Bathroom - Paint
Commercial Interior - Paint or Stain
Home Interior - Paint or Stain
Small Projects - Painting or Staining

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Questions & Answers
Q: What advice would you give to a customer looking to hire a company like yours?
A: Get multiple quotes, meet the contractor and be comfortable with your choice. If it doesn't feel like the right fit for your project, it probably isn't.

Q: What is the most common type of project or service your company provides?
A: Heart Beat specializes in residential interiors. We try and make the process as easy as possible for the homeowner and minimize the disruption that it causes to your "space". Our flexible hours and scheduling also make us a great choice for rental properties that are turning over on short schedules as well as office or business interiors that need to be completed on the weekends or overnight so business productivity is not impacted.

Q: In what ways is your company environmentally friendly?
A: Heart Beat is sensitive to our environment and only disposes of paint cans and waste at approved collection points. We can also properly dispose of any old or partial cans of paint that may have collected at our customers homes over the years at no charge.

Q: What would you like your customers to know about your company?
A: Heart Beat Interior painting is truly an affordable choice that remains committed to their quality of work and to their customers satisfaction. The pricing structure is streamlined by the size of your room (S, M, L, XL) with options to have trim and ceilings painted or just a basic color change. We'll take the measurements and and have a conversation to find the best solution for our customer and make the most affordable options available.

Q: What is your company best known for?
A: We are known for being the little guy with the personal touch and all of the flexibility you may require in scheduling.

Q: Does your company offer a warranty or guarantee?
A: Heart Beat stands behind all of their work and will return for any reason or any repairs that the customer deems needed. No questions asked.

Q: What forms of payment do you accept? (cash, check, credit cards, etc.)
A: We accept Cash or Check as well as Apple Pay

How We Charge For Our Services
Commercial Interior - Paint or Stain
- $30.00 to $40.00 per hour
- $0.65 to $0.75 per square foot
Our Billing Policy is 50% up front and 50% upon completion. Single day projects can be paid upon completion.

Home Interior - Paint or Stain
- $30.00 to $40.00 per hour
- $0.65 to $0.75 per square foot
Our pricing is based a simple room size scale. Small - Up to 12x12 (384sqft) $279 includes trim and ceilings Medium - Up to 16x16 (512sqft) $349 includes trim and ceiling Large - Up to 20 x20 (640sqft) $429 includes trim and ceiling Xlarge - Up to 24x 24 (832 sqft) $529 includes trim and ceiling Pricing does not in paint ** All pricing assumes 8ft ceiling height. Ala Carte pricing is available for cabinetry/built-ins, Individual Ceilings or Trim as well as Wall only pricing. We also do Accent Walls and Striping.

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Heart Beat Interior Painting. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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