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Intelligent Irrigation  

90 Bakers Drive - Harwich Port, MA 02646
Locally owned and operated Cape Cod Irrigation company that focuses on doing the right thing, for the right customer, at the right time at the right price. We soak your lawn, not you. (tm)

Robert Kuhn - 508-246-5327  


Lawn Sprinklers - Install
Lawn Sprinklers - Repair
Lawn Sprinklers - Winterize or Activate

1,000,000 Liablitly Insurance through Farm Family Insurance

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Intelligent Irrigation

Intelligent Irrigation focuses on conservation of water, intelligent design and reducing the overall costs for our clients. Whether its a new installation or redesigning an existing system our primary focus is on client satisfaction. Our services cover: - "Spring Start-Up" - includes inspection of your backflow, valves and adjustment of irrigation heads. - "Mid Season Check" - an inspection again of your backflow, valves and heads....its better to discover problems before they escalate. - "Winterization" - We flush the lines, irrigation heads and backflow of water to prevent winter freeze damage to your system. - "Service Calls" - We will come out and repair any breaks or damage to your irrigation system, in a timely manner. Contact us today to see what solutions we can provide for your needs.
* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Intelligent Irrigation. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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