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Eyman Parker Insurance Brokers  

2020 Chapala St - Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Eyman Parker Insurance Brokers has grown from a handful of employees to over 160 employees located throughout the state of California. We are proud of our employees, and appreciate their hard work, dedication and commitment to building a successful and respected agency. The agency takes pride in the fact that the first two employees hired by the company continue to be an integral part of the Agency.

Jg Parker - 805-563-3319  

Eyman Parker Insurance Brokers

Insurance - Property - Business

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Eyman Parker Insurance Brokers will accomplish this by focusing on the middle market client and operating an innovative insurance agency that will assist those clients in solving risk issues unique to their businesses.
* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Eyman Parker Insurance Brokers. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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