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130 11th St SW - Hickory, NC 28602
I specialize in working with food processing, healthcare, and property management sectors, and am highly trained to prepare plants to pass audits and helping buildings to earn LEED credits. I love connecting with people and helping them succeed in their business - without having to worry about pest - so give me a BUZZ, pardon the pun, if I can ever put my expertise to work for you. Orkin is one of the largest and best known pest control companies in the world. As an Account Manager, I work with

Jack Minor - 8287819959  

Account Manager

Dry-rot, Water or Pest Damage Major - Repair
Pest Control - Birds
Pest Control - Bugs and Insects
Pest Control - Rodents (Rats, Mice, Chipmunks)
Pest Control - Termites
and more...

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