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Angels of Compassion Home Care, LLC  

675 Deis Dr. Ste 193 - Fairfield, OH 45014

John Richrad - 513-829-1186  


In-Home Care - Dementia
In-Home Care - Elders & Seniors
In-Home Care - Hospice
In-Home Care - Medical
In-Home Care - Non-Medical
and more...

We are an LLC

Bonded up to 1 million dollars

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Questions & Answers
Q: What advice would you give to a customer looking to hire a company like yours?
A: Before choosing a home care agency for your loved one ask yourself these questions. what is the hourly rate? How many hours per day can I afford ? What will be my weekly cost? What will be my monthly cost? and last How long can I afford to pay this? Once you find you out your cost let me show you how Angels of Compassion can save you up to $200 a week, personalize your care allowing you more time but pay less for the home care that your loved one needs.

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Unblievelable and Amazing. We can save you money on home care.

Angels of Compassion Home Care service is geared towards Long Term Care only. Our service will not benifit families of those in need of ShortTerm Care. Angels of Compassion can save the adverage family whos in need of Long Term Care up to $200 dollars aweek in home care cost. We do this by eliminating ALL angency rates, fees, and yearly up charges. We also personlize your loved one care giving families peace of mind, excellent care, personel care, and other services that's are offered . By helping our seniors save money this allows them to stay home longer, remove financial burden and pay less for home care. This service also allows care giver to receive better pay by which they truly deserve. Angels of Compassion is an agancy that stives to show the same Love, Compassion, and Mercy that Christ Jesus has shown us. For more information call 513-829-1186 or visit us on the web .
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Why private care? Making moms money last longer for her care.

So many times I have seen family members of aging parents struggle with the cost of long-term home care. With the average hourly rates of $21hr to $25hr, your weekly rate could cost you anywhere from $600 to $700 dollars a week, and that's for 3 1/2 days. However, most seniors need about 32hr a week to have excellent care, but as it usual families start rob Peter to pay Paul, that is they find themselves paying for the days but not enough time, or time but not enough days. Then they find themselves struggling to fill in the gaps. Angels of Compassion has made it possible for families to afford the time and days needed. Plus save BIG. Like $150 to $200 dollars or more a week BIG. We provide families private care caregivers, personalized care, and nurse home visits. By putting the care of your loved one in your hands, you can direct the care the way you feel is best needed. By eliminating agencies rates, and fees your aging loved one can now have the rest they deserved.
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Becoming Family

Two years ago Mrs.B husband pasted away. They were merried for over 60yr. Mrs. B family was worried about her being alone and they did not want her to be alone by herself all day. Calling a few local home care agancies to get informaton regarding rates. They realized that Mrs. B would run out of half of her saving within a year in a half. So when the family called Angels of Compassion we showed them by going with our long term care service we could save them $300 a week, $1200 month they were amazed, but what put the iceing on the cake was the care and the involvement in negogotiating a affordable rate between them and the caregiver. Mrs. B received personal care nurse visits, and monthly well checks. Mrs. B stated " This is the best thing that I have gotton in a long time, having a friend like Colleen. She's priceless, may God bless Angels of Compassion". For more information call 513-829-1186.
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* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Angels of Compassion Home Care, LLC. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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