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Culver's Painting  

4475 N 124th St Ste D - Milwaukee, WI 53005
Culver’s Painting was founded in 2009 with the focus of always putting the client’s best interest first. Our painting contractors take pride in always going the extra mile to serve our clients in a professional, timely manner. We specialize in color consultations, interior painting, exterior painting, residential painting, priming, and patching. Culver’s Painting was founded in Madison, and now proudly serves both the greater Madison and Milwaukee areas.

Josh Culvers - 262-607-8200  

Commercial Exterior - Paint or Stain
Commercial Interior - Paint or Stain
Fence - Paint, Stain or Clean
Home Exterior - Paint or Stain
Home Interior - Paint or Stain
and more...

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* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Culver's Painting. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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