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Lifts Lawn Care  

1159 John Street - Frankfort, IN 46041
At Lifts Lawn Care we pride ourselves on making our customers lawns look great.

Kodiak Kite - 765-242-6481  


Fall Lawn - Rake, Clean, Remove
Lawn - Mow or Maintain
Leaf Cleanup and Removal
Yard & Lawn - Cleanup

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How We Charge For Our Services
Lawn - Mow or Maintain
- $75.00 to $95.00 per visit (1 acre)
- $30.00 to $38.00 per visit (1/4 acre)
- $45.00 to $65.00 per visit (1/2 acre)
Size of the yard if there is room to get a riding mower to mow the lot. If customer wants a bag and haul or the clippings on the yard. We weed eat around the house. Frequency also plays a factor in prices.

Leaf Cleanup and Removal
- $25.00 to $55.00 per hour for raking and bagging
- $45.00 to $70.00 fixed fee for 1/4 acre lot (most typical)
- $55.00 to $80.00 fixed fee for 1/2 acre lot
- $65.00 to $90.00 fixed fee for 1 acre lot
- $30.00 to $60.00 fixed fee for 1/8 acre lot
Price is based on how many bags we fill and haul. Also how much time it will take to take the leaves.

Yard & Lawn - Cleanup
- $50.00 to $250.00 per visit / by session
Price is based on truck loads and size of yard/severety of the clean up.

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Lifts Lawn Care. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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