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Lindeman Chiropractic PC  

3303 W 144th Ave, Ste 200 - Broomfield, CO 80023
Most of our patients come in because a friend or family member told them about us! We're different because we strive to help enrich our patient's lives, not merely treat their symptoms. We utilize gentle, specific chiropractic adjustments that are safe, beneficial and efficient. Dr. Lindeman is also certified in Chiropractic Acupuncture and combines chiropractic with electrical acupucture to ensure youur care is painless, but produces unmatched results!

Joel Lindeman - 303-469-2300  

Chiropractors - Acupuncture
Chiropractors - Chiropractic Pediatrics
Chiropractors - General Therapy
Chiropractors - Physical Therapy
Chiropractors - Spinal Manipulation
and more...


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* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Lindeman Chiropractic PC. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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