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Exceptional Living Coach, LLC  

1230 Arthur St - Eugene, OR 97402
Career, Life, Business and Retirement coaching for bright, motivated individuals and groups.
-Create rewarding work
-Make more money
-Be more effective
-Be more authentic
-Have a more satisfying and fulfilling life

Lisa Anderson - 541.484.6785  

Career and Life Coach, Owner

Coaching - Business & Executive
Coaching - Personal & Lifestyle
Employment & Career Counseling

Certified Life Coach Certified Global Career Development Facilitator Nationally Certified Counselor Certified NLP Practitioner

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How We Charge For Our Services
Coaching - Business & Executive
- $100.00 to $200.00 per hour
I don't charge by the hour. I offer packages that best suit a client's needs.

Coaching - Personal & Lifestyle
- $100.00 to $175.00 per hour
I don't charge by the hour. I offer packages that best suit a client's needs.

Employment & Career Counseling
- $100.00 to $175.00 per hour
I don't charge by the hour. I offer packages that best suit a client's needs.

Articles & Videos
How To Never Achieve Anything In 7 Easy Steps
Just Forget About New Years Resolutions and Going After Your Goals --they're highly overrated. Why not just stay where you are, where it’s nice and comfy? Just in case you get the urge to change your life here’s some proven techniques to keep you right where you are.

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Exceptional Living Coach, LLC. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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