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Livonia Best Tow By BB  

29449 Hathaway St. - Livonia, MI 48150
Livonia Best Towing By BB'S is a top towing company that provides excellent tow services to help our customer needs. We have all been in situations feeling helpless because our car over heated, our battery died, or our car just quit on us without warning. BB’s Towing is a reliable tow service that can address your needs fast. We offer a quick response time because we value you as a customer. We treat all our customer with fast and friendly service to insure complete satisfaction.

John Morgan - (734) 237-1600  

Auto Repair Services
Tow Trucks - Autos

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* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Livonia Best Tow By BB. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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