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AdvoCare® has been a world-class nutrition company specializing in health and wellness, weight management, vibrant energy and sports performance. There are nutritional supplements and skincare as well as
health and wellness products that fit every lifestyle. Thousands of people just like you choose AdvoCare products because they work. World-class professional athletes endorse them

Marc Berlin - 516-612-2737  

Consultant/ Independent Distributor

Clinics & Medical Centers
Disability Planner
In-Home Care - Non-Medical
Medical Billing - Services
Medical Billing - Software
and more...

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Questions & Answers
Q: What advice would you give to a customer looking to hire a company like yours?
A: I am a health care professional. I have worked in areas of provider relations, credentialing, marketing,and most recently quality assurance/ medical billing review. In addition, I have been an advocate for seniors and persons with disabilities. I like to help persons remain safe at home and integrate into the community when needed. I want to helppersons with disabilities lead more satisfying lives.

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by TAYNES Compliance / ADVOCARE.COM. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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