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8349 North Muirfield St - Eagle Mountain, UT 84005
We are a full service tax consulting company with over 13 years of experience in all types of tax work.

Michael Boehrer - 801-738-4700  

Enrolled Agent

Tax Preparation & Consulting - Business
Tax Preparation & Consulting - Personal

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What type of service or business do you need?
(e.g. accountant, auto repair, lawn service, marketing consultant)
How We Charge For Our Services
Tax Preparation & Consulting - Business
- $149.00 to $299.99 fixed fee
I'm not here to nickle and dime you to death. When you come in I will tell you were you sit with the price and you will find no surprises.

Tax Preparation & Consulting - Personal
- $99.00 to $299.99 fixed fee
I give a flat up front fee so that there are no surprises.

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Your ATP. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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