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David W. Engen, D.D.S., PS  

6817 N Cedar Rd Ste 202 - Spokane, WA 99208
9. During your consultation your smile will be examined and X-rays may be taken to determine the current orthodontic state of your teeth. If it is determined that quality ceramic dental braces are indeed a viable option for you, your first appointment will be set and your new smile will be just around the corner.

David Engen - (509) 326-4445  


Anesthesia, Sedation, Pain Management Dentists
Cosmetic Dentists (Bonding, Whitening, Veneers)
Dental Associations & Organizations
Dental Clinics
Dental Equipment & Supplies
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* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by David W. Engen, D.D.S., PS. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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