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Hybrid Energy Consultants  

3322 s campbell - Springfield, MO 65810
We are a full energy auditing company and implementation company. We offer a full range of energy saving services from controls to solar power. Can handle small companies to full city retrofits.

Peter Richardson - 417-425-5493  


Energy Conservation Products & Services

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Questions & Answers
Q: What advice would you give to a customer looking to hire a company like yours?
A: Looking to upgrade your lighting equipment for no charge or money out of pocket and save money off your energy bill then give us a call for a free audit.

Q: What is the most common type of project or service your company provides?
A: Led Lighting retrofits

Q: In what ways is your company environmentally friendly?
A: We are saving on the disposal of CFL bulbs and saving total energy per commercial building

Q: What would you like your customers to know about your company?
A: That we are very well respected with our vendors and utility partners in 4 states. IF we can not save your company enough money to where it is no cost to you then we will look at other alternatives for savings.

Q: What is your company best known for?
A: Service

Q: What separates your company from the competition?
A: No cost audits with photometric design of projects

Q: Does your company offer a warranty or guarantee?
A: Yes all products are guaranteed

Q: What questions do customers most frequently ask you? What is your answer?
A: How much does it cost? Answer is normally no cost out of pocket and less than what they are spending monthly.

Q: Does your company offer discounts to senior citizens or veterans?
A: Yes to veteran owned companies

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Hybrid Energy Consultants. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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