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Philip R Cohen + Associates  

1128 Kenton - Deerfield, IL 60015

Philip Cohen - 773-401-5575  

Architects - Commercial
Architects - Residential
Architectural Model Makers
Architectural Support Services
Bathroom Designers - Residential
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What defines PRC + Associates and sets us apart from our competitors is our relationship with our clients. Our clients’ interests and goals take precedence over our own personal interests, a stance that is clearly understood by all who work with us. Our very best projects are the ones with the best clients – the clients who are interested not just in having an architect solve their problem (a task many architects can handle) but are interested in having an architect help them see the opportunities and potential of what a project can be that are beyond the clients imagination.
* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Philip R Cohen + Associates. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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