Questions & Answers
What advice would you give to a customer looking to hire a company like yours?
Please describe your property as detailed as possible with any improvements you or the prior owner may have made that would impact the value. This communication helps me provide you with a reasonable fee and timeline quote. If the appraisal is for a new mortgage loan, the lender has to hire the appraiser. I am approved with many lenders but it is up to them to pick an appraiser if it is for a new mortgage loan.
What is the most common type of project or service your company provides?
We provide credible and supported residential valuations for mortgage lending (FHA, VA & Conventional), private mortgage insurance removal, retrospective valuations, REO valuations, estate planning, tax assessment appeals, estate settlement, marriage dissolutions or separations and for sale by owner (seller price point).
How We Charge For Our Services
Real Estate Appraisers - Residential
- $400.00 to $700.00 fixed fee for a residential lot (less than 1 acre) - $500.00 to $800.00 fixed fee (single family home or condo) Most every property is different and depending on the complexity of the assignment determines the fee. The most reliable method of appraising is the sales comparison approach. The more similar, proximate and recent the comparable, the better credible and supported value conclusion is made. The higher price includes expanding my search time and parameters. I use historical matched paired analysis and simple regression techniques.