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Wealth Preservation Group LLC  

Aiken Road - Greenwich, CT 06831
Proactive asset insulation specialist. Programs designed and executed to render one unattractive to litigate by removing the financial incentive to sue.

M. Ray Chodos - 203-539 1516  

Manging Member

Insurance Consultants & Advisors

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Questions & Answers
Q: What advice would you give to a customer looking to hire a company like yours?
A: One aggressive litigant can destroy a businesses financial security. Insurance does not cover the most serious perils, disputes, divorce, employment practices, environmental, punative damages and more.

Articles & Videos
Should business owners be concerned about lawsuit risk?
One aggressive lawsuit can destroy and business owner's financial security.

Do Professional Financial Planners Understand Who Gets Sued And Why?
It is possible for an affluent family to be legally responsible for damages they did not directly cause of even know about. Learn the issues, become a more valuable adviser to affluent people.

Assets Frozen in $50 Million Lawsuit
Proper estate planning can provide asset protection for affluent families.

Estate Planning Missed Opportunities
How will others step into your shoes when you are not there? Make certain you do estate planning to avoid missed opportunities.

Succession Planning For Your Family Business
Succession planning is critical in a closely held or family business. Plan and prepare properly to assure your company's success.

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Wealth Preservation Group LLC. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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