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GS Wealth Management  

15110 North Dallas Parkway - Dallas, TX 75248
GS Wealth Management focuses on relationships, not products. Only after we have a full understanding of your financial picture do we begin to construct a customized solution which suits your unique needs. We succeed by developing trusting relationships with our clients—working closely with them to create personalized wealth management and financial planning strategies. We apply a steady, seasoned approach to wealth management – tailored to the unique needs of each client in pursuit of their long

Richard West - 214-276-0808  

Securities Broker

401-k Rollover Assistance
401k Plans
Business 401K & SEP Plans
Education Planning & 529 Plans
Financial Advisors - Asset Management
and more...

Series 7 Series 63

Life and Health Texas Arkansas

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How We Charge For Our Services
401-k Rollover Assistance
- 2.00 to 2.50 percent of investments purchased
I charge based on transactions. Because I invest in Increasing Dividend based equity positions coupled with Municipal and Preferred Stocks I don't believe in high or even marginal book turnover.

401k Plans
- 2.00 to 2.50 percent of investments purchased
I work on a transaction basis. My portfolio positions are geared toward generating growth through Dividend Stocks complemented with Investment Grade Preferred and Municipal Stocks.

Business 401K & SEP Plans
- 0.45 to 0.85 percent of investments purchased
I assist in the implementation, education of a companies qualified retirement accounts. This is managed by a third party administrator.

Education Planning & 529 Plans
- 4.75 to 5.25 percent of investment purchased
The fees are associated with the mutual funds that are selected for the plan.

Financial Advisors - Stocks & Bonds
- 2.00 to 2.50 percent of investment purchased
I charge commissions on a transactional basis

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by GS Wealth Management. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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