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Gad Therapy  

9012 Burton Way - Beverly Hills, CA 90211
I work primarily with individuals & adolescents who are looking to address personal struggles, and couples who are dealing with relationship, family, and cultural & religious issues. I hold a select number of group therapy, which are intended to provide a therapeutic space for groups of people who are facing similar stressors. There are also a limited number of discounted therapy hours reserved for psychology students sessions.

Ron Gad - 888-494-7788  

Licensed Psychotherapist

Mental Health Counselors
Mental Health Professionals
Psychotherapy - Group
Psychotherapy - Individual

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Ron N Gad, MA, LMFT

I work primarily with individuals & adolescents who are looking to address personal struggles, and couples who are dealing with relationship, family, and cultural & religious issues. I hold a select number of group therapy, which are intended to provide a therapeutic space for groups of people who are facing similar stressors. There are also a limited number of discounted therapy hours reserved for psychology students sessions.
"Ron helped my daughter through a very difficult time in her life. I would recommend Ron to anyone who is dealing with their own personal challenges." - Adolescent Client's Mother
"Ron helped my daughter through a very difficult time in her life. I would recommend Ron to anyone who is dealing with their own personal challenges." - Adolescent Client's Mother
How We Charge For Our Services
Mental Health Counselors
- $80.00 to $180.00 per hour
- $80.00 to $180.00 per visit / by session
I believe that the most important thing is to create a space for therapeutic work, so I offer a sliding scale fee for service.

Mental Health Professionals
- $80.00 to $180.00 per hour
- $80.00 to $180.00 per visit / by session
I want everyone who needs a place to work clinically should be able to find one. So, I do what I can to make myself available with a sliding scale fee.

Psychotherapy - Group
- $20.00 to $50.00 per hour
- $30.00 to $80.00 per visit / by session
Group work is a way for people to get into therapy without paying for a full scale for individual therapy.

Psychotherapy - Individual
- $80.00 to $180.00 per hour
- $80.00 to $180.00 per visit / by session
I am open to a sliding scale fee for those who need.

* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Gad Therapy. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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