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Scott's Janitorial Cleaning  

P.O.Box 321 - Higdon, AL 35979
Scott's Janitorial Cleaning is an organization that prides itself in a staff of honest and hardworking individuals. We are licensed, bonded and insured. All employees undergo extensive background checks and OSHA training. We all enjoy what we do. Scott's Janitorial Cleaning offers discount programs to all Alabama Chamber of Commerce members. We specialize in sanitation, floor care and maintenance, and hazardous waste disposal.

Tammy Goodrich - 2565972430  


Cleaning Services - Medical & Health Care
Cleaning, Janitorial, and Industrial Supplies
Crime & Trauma Scene Cleaning Services
Estate Cleaning
Janitorial Services
and more...

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* All information in this profile, including licensing, has been provided by Scott's Janitorial Cleaning. This information is not verified by ProMatcher.

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